
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2021

Suggestion and offering in dialogue

Assalamualaikum hay guys Lose Weight Irgian: I need to lose weight. How do I start to do that? (Aku harus menurunkan berat badan. Bagaimana aku memulai melakukannya?) Cholil: If I were you, I would reduce my food portions little by little and start exercising regularly. (Jika aku kamu, aku akan mengurangi porsi makanku sedikit demi sedikit dan mulai olahraga secara teratur) Irgian: Okay. Do you know what kind of exercise that’s best for losing weight? (Oke. Apakah kamu tahu jenis olahraga apa yang terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan?) Cholil: I think you should ask that to Meghan. She’s an athlete, so she must at least know something about exercising to lose weight. (Aku rasa kamu harus menanyakan hal itu kepada Meghan. Dia adalah seorang atlit, jadi dia setidaknya pasti tahu tentang olehraga untuk menurunkan berat badan) Irgian: That’s worth a try. (Itu patut dicoba) Cholil: Do you need her number? I have it if you want. (Apakah kamu ingin nomor teleponnya? Aku punya jika kamu mau) I


 INTRODUCTION HELLO EVRYONE, HOW ARE YOU? I HOPE IT'S OKAY. my name is irgian achmad fahmi, I am 16 years old, born in Jakarta, September 23, 2004. My hobbies are playing online games such as Mobile Legends, Rise of Kingdoms, Clash of Clans, and Valorant. Now that I'm in 11th grade, I must study online diligently and submit assignments on time, and attendance on time too. I was in grade 10 science 1, I met new friends who were cool, fun, and good. now I'm in grade 11 science 2 so I have to get acquainted with them to get to know each other. Now I have to be more serious, because this is for my future, so I will try my best. I think that's all I can say, sorry if there are wrong words, assalamualaikum wr wb.