Cause and Effect



Causation is recording the relationship between actions or events in such a way that one or more is the result of the other or the other. Cause and effect are commonly used in everyday conversation and in a text.


the structure of the explanatory text is as follows:

  • General statement/phenomena identification, contains general statements about the topic that will be explained in the process of occurrence or the process of its existence.
  • A series of explanations contains the process of occurrence or cause and effect of a phenomenon that is presented sequentially or gradually from the beginning to the end.
  • interpretation or review contains conclusions from the topics that have been explained

Characteristic Features

  • The structure consists of general statements, causal sequences, and interpretations.
  • The information contained is based on facts (factual).
  • The factual contains information that is scientific/scientific in nature, for example, such as science.
  • Its nature is informative and does not try to influence the reader to believe it to the things discussed.
  • Have/use sequence markers. For example, first, second, third, and so on. You can also use: first, next, last.



  • Explain the phenomenon that occurs
  • Explain the cause and effect of an event



  1. We forgot to set the alarm last night, so we all woke up late this morning. (Kami lupa memasang alarm tadi malam, jadi kami bangun kesiangan tadi pagi.)
  2. Since we run out of eggs, I have to go to the store. (Karena kita kehabisan telur, aku harus pergi ke toko.)
  3. When the water starts to boil, the kettle whistles. (Saat air mulai mendidih, tekonya berbunyi.)
  4. People lost their jobs because the machines took them over. (Orang-orang kehilangan pekerjaan karena diambil alih oleh mesin.)
  5. Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, the criminal rate rises. (Karena sulitnya situasi perekonomian negara, tingkat tindak kriminal meningkat.)
  6. Storm is predicted to happen today, so people choose to stay inside. (Badai diperkirakan akan terjadi hari ini, jadi orang-orang memilih untuk tinggal di rumah.)


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