past tense vs present perfect tense

 assalamualaikum wr wb

Hello, how's it going? I hope it's okay. This time we will discuss the past tense and present perfect.

The main difference between Present Perfect and Past Perfect is that present perfect describes an action that happened in the recent past or action that started in the past and continues to the present whereas past perfect refers to an action that has happened in the past. What is Present Perfect Tense.

What is the past perfect tense?

The usage of past perfect is similar to that of the present perfect, but past perfect refers to a time in the past, not present. Past Perfect tense is used to describe an action that happened before another action in the past.
When to use the present perfect vs. simple past?
Present Perfect vs. Simple Past. You must always use the Present perfect when the time of an action is not important or not specified. You must always use the Simple past when details about the time or place that an action occured are given or requested. Compare: Present perfect
Full Explanation Between The Use of "Simple Past Tense And Present Perfect Tense
Simple past tense and present perfect tense, although both are used to indicate an event that has occurred or occurred in the past, both have some significant differences and certainly cannot be used to replace each other because of different contexts. Then how is the use between each masng? Check this out!
1.Simple past tense is a tenses in English, which is used to express an event that occurred in the past without any detail about the work done has been completed or not.

2.Simple Pat tense always uses Verb 2 or a second verb in English.

3.Simple Past Tense formula that is S +V2 + O + C

4.The time a word used simple past tense is more specific than present perfect, namely yesterday (yesterday) last week (last week) last month and so on.

4.The cause of the simple past tense can no longer be felt because it has happened in the past. Example I ate seafood last month (I ate seafood last month).

5.Not marked with certain words such as has or have is only marked with the use of Verb 2.
Examples of SIMPLE PAST TENSE In Sentences
  • I wrote a letter for my mom last month (aku menulis sebuah surat untuk ibuku bulan lalu)
  • we ate seafood together yesterday (kami makan seafood bersama-sama kemarin)
  • my mom called you at 7 p.m in saturday night (ibuku menelepon mu pada pukul 7 malam di sabtu malam)
  • I cooked a delicious food for my daddy (aku memasak sebuah makanan yang lezat untuk ayahku)
  • I and Yola spent the time together in her home (aku dan Yola menghabiskan waktu bersama-sama di rumahnya)
1.Present perfect tense is a tenses in English that is used to show an event that occurred in the past but usually still have a relationship in the present or it has been known whether the work has been completed or not.

2.Present Perfect Tense uses Verb 3 or the 3rd verb in English.

3.Present Perfect Tense formula is S+ Have/Has+Verb 3 + O + C.

4.The cause of the consequences caused by the present perfect tense can usually still be felt.

5.Present perfect tense is marked with the word has/have and also verb 3. 
  • I have worked in this office since last month (aku telah bekerja di kantor ini sejak bulan lalu)
  • she has called me and invited me to her party (dia telah menelepon ku dan mengundangku ke ulangtahun nya)
  • They have played football and won the competition (mereka telah bermain sepakbola dan memenangkan kompetisi)
  • I have studied in this campus for 3 years (aku telah belajar di kampus ini selama 3 tahun)
  • we have cooked a delicious food for 3 hours for you (kami telah memasak sebuah makanan yang lezat selama 3 jam untuk mu)

A. Present Tense

Tenses this one will surely be often found and used because the present tense serves to talk about the present.

1. Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense will be used when you declare a habit or activity that occurs continuously until now. In addition, these tenses are also used when stating common truths, commands, and things to come but are planned activities.

Formula: S+V1/Vs/Ves


My friend Anna lives in Jakarta.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

The train arrives at 2:00 p.m.

Close the door!

Do you like basketball?

2. Present Continous Tense

If you want to declare an activity in progress now then use these tenses. Then you can also declare an immediate activity or recurring event and no word should be mentioned.

Formula: S+to be+Ving


She is singing a good song.

I am seeing the movie tomorrow.

He is always complaining.

3. Present Perfect Tense

If you say something that has happened or finished at the time of speaking, then you can use the present perfect tense.

Formula: S+have/has+V3


I have already read that book.

He has just watered the flowers.

We have known him for many years.

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

These tenses work when you want to declare an event or event that started in the past and is still going on or not finished.

Formula: S+have/has+been+Ving


Jane has been working in Solo for two years.

Where are you? I have been waiting for you for hours.

We have been here for two days.

B. Past Tense

Past tense is a form of time used when talking about the past. Here are 4 different properties of its activities:

1. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense will certainly be used when talking about something that happened in the past. And you can also talk about past habits that are no longer done.

Formula: S+V2


My mother went to Korea last month.

I did my homework yesterday.

She bought new clothes last night.

I usually swam every weekend when I was in junior high school.

Jeje always walks to school when she was alive.

2. Past Continous Tense

When stating something that has happened in the past but there are other events that are also present, then tenses that you need to know is past continuous tense

Formula: S+to be (was, were)+Ving


She was watching a Hollywood movie at 8 p.m. last night.

I was sleeping when my friend came.

While I was taking a shower, my mother was preparing our dinner.

3. Past Perfect Tense

Tenses then serve to state something that has happened at the moment or before other events occurred in the past.

Formula: S+had+V3


I had done my homework before she offered her help.

She had already ordered some food when her mother came in.

4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous tense will be used when you want to state something that has happened in the past and is still often done at other events in the past.

Formula: S+had+been+Ving


Lisa had been living in Bandung for two years before she moved to Malang.

John had been in his house when the landslide happened.

I had been writing a journal for three hours when my family visited me.

Examples of dialog that I use with my friends.

Simple Past Tense
Cholil : Where did you go yesterday?
Irgian : I went to the cinema to watch a movie.
Cholil : And then?
Irgian : And then, I went home. But before that, I bought some snacks in the supermarket and visited one of my friend's house.
Cholil : Did you arrive home safely?
Irgian : Yes, I did.

Present Perfect Tense
Cholil : Hi, Irgian. Have you read Tere Liye's new book?
Irgian : Yes, I have. What about you?
Cholil: I haven't read it yet. Can I borrow yours?
Irgian : I'm sorry, but I have given it to my sister.
Cholil: It's okay. Let me borrow it after your sister, okay?
Irgian: Sure.

Task pages 97 - 98

 The task contains 4 sentences using Simple Past and Present Perfect in the book.
conclusion: so add insight about the word we want to say in good and correct English.

 thank you for reading or just looking at my blog, please comment in polite language. so and thank you ....


  1. Wow your is very smart in english languange this is very helpful for me


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